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5 Ways to Find Your Soulmate, Number 5 Guaranteed to be the Most Powerful!

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Soul mate is destiny and God's mystery, nothing can interrupt that, right? However, sometimes, we as imperfect creatures can only rely on hope and effort. Right? One of them may be our efforts to find a soul mate. As in series Mother Elephant, Iragita tries to find a mate from her own efforts, not from her mother—and here are five how to find a soul mate according to Iragita. Remember, number 5 is the most powerful!

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Some people may be very serious about finding a soul mate possible to make a lot of effort to get closer to his soul mate. For example, the character Ira in the series Mother Elephant is based on a true story writer Iragita Sembiring This reflects an effort to find a soul mate because he doesn't want to be constantly restrained by his mother from getting married quickly.

Ira always asks, when will she meet her soul mate other than being matched by her mother? Therefore, in order to get rid of Mamak's demands for an arranged marriage, Ira looks for a way to get closer to her soul mate. For those of you who are still struggling with matchmaking problems and want your soul mate to come quickly, please try the following five ways to find the best match, especially from Ira, OK!

Elephant Mother Ira Conveys 5 Ways to Find Your Soulmate to Get the Right Partner!

Anyone can do this method of finding a soul mate, it is usually effective for people who patiently wait for someone who accepts us as we are, for better and for worse. Try following this method.

Be Yourself

This quick way to find a soul mate does not apply to everyone, because soul mate and fortune are already regulated by the Almighty. Everyone must get their own turn. However, what you can do to bring your soul mate closer is by be yourself. Be yourself has various meanings.

Be yourself when you talk to someone, when introducing yourself to other people, behave in front of other people, and don't try to be someone else to satisfy your prestige and look good in front of the person you are talking to.

In fact, the more you show your natural self, the more other people will be attracted to you and see the radiance of your true aura. The saying goes, our soul mate is a reflection of ourselves. If you try to be someone else, how do other people naturally see you? So, be yourself everywhere you go, okay.

Get Support from Friends and Family

how to find a soul mate md entertainment

Next, try to get support from friends and family. When you meet someone who you feel is your soul mate, make sure that you introduce them to family and friends. They are supporting team which will give you insight into your potential soul mate. From here, you can consider everything.

Also read: Tika Panggabean Gives an Interesting Message as Mamak Uli's Mother Elephant!

Share Lots of Contacts

You can ask your friends or family to introduce you to someone new. Who knows, there may be matches that you never expected. Not a few marriages also occur because of introductions from friends or family. This proves that soul mates come in a truly mysterious way. Could it be that your friend's friend turns out to be your soul mate?

Play Dating App

The way to find a soul mate in this digital and modern era can be by playing dating app or dating applications that are popular in circulation. The purpose of this application is to introduce you to new people even from a distance. When you play dating appyou won't really know background details of the person until you actually meet and get to know him.

Like Ira in series Mother Elephant-play dating app and finally meet new people. It doesn't guarantee that you will find your soul mate, but having a new relationship that will lead you to your soul mate can happen, right? Nothing's impossible, my darling!

Single? No Problem!

This fifth way is the most powerful way; Single, no problem! You have to realize value You are definitely different from other people. Value it's not measured by whether you have a partner or not. Believe that your soul mate will come at the right time. Instead of being busy looking for a soul mate, try to love yourself more deeply. Get to know yourself too.

Do positive things in life, then trust your faith You will meet your soul mate at an unexpected time and place. Until it comes, love yourself, yes!

Those are the five ways to find a mate that Ira practices in the Elephant Mother series. Want to know more? Watch Mother Elephant only on Prime Video. Also, listen original soundtrack Mother Elephant 'Tides' by Pepita throughout digital streaming platforms.

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