Celebrate Diwali, Manoj Punjabi and Wife Share Happiness as Gratitude

Supriyanto | November 4, 2021 | 05:00 WIB

TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Deepavali or Diwali is a tradition of celebrating the annual festival of lights which is always celebrated in India. Not just any celebration, Happy Diwali is a religious holiday for Hindus in India. Diwali this year is celebrated on Thursday (4/11) across the world.

Founder and CEO of MD Entertainment, Manoj Punjabi, and wife, Shania Punjabi, also celebrated Deepavali or Diwali. Tuesday (2/11) morning, Manoj Punjabi invited his extended family to pray as a Dhanteras ritual.

The Dhanteras ritual is part of the Diwali celebration. Two days before Diwali celebrations, Hindus will pray, praying to Goddess Laskhmi and Lord Dhanvantari to commemorate his birth.

“In the morning, our extended family has prayed and prayed. This is our day of Dhanteras, we usually start with prayers, open gatherings and eat together,” said Manoj Punjabi at the MD Entertainment office, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Tuesday (2/11) .

After praying the Dhanteras, Manoj and Shania shared their happiness with all MD Entertainment staff. This was done by Manoj as a form of gratitude and the abundance of fortune he received.

Apart from sharing happiness with the staff, Manoj and Shania also invited several artists and several important figures to welcome the Diwali celebration.

“Diwali is indeed the right day to share a sense of kinship and gratitude. And we want to share it with friends, especially with all MD Entertainment staff,” said Shania Punjabi.

The appearance of Manoj Punjabi and Shania also attracted attention because they brought Indian culture. Manoj looked dashing in a navy blue sherwani, while his wife looked elegant in an ivory patterned saree.

“Usually MD does something that’s glamorous, but this is really sudden. This is just a makeshift costume in the style of Bollywood, with minor attributes. This Diwali I pray more to gratitude, very grateful MD has reached a position like this,” said Manoj Punjabi.

“For us, Diwali is family because the most important thing in the heart of Diwali is to pray and give thanks with the family, it is the festival of light.
So we want to share the brightness and spread the brightness,” concluded Shania Punjabi.


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