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Keira Princess And The Boss Becomes Favorite Cast Character!

Keira Princess And The Boss is the cast’s favorite character? Check out the answer here!

In Princess And The Boss, Keira is the character most liked by the cast, you know. Besides being funny, Keira Princess And The Boss has other charms, right? Then, apart from Keira, who is the favorite character of the cast in Princess And The Boss series? Come on, find out the answer here!

Also read: Rizky Nazar and Syifa Hadju Gemes in Princess And The Boss!

Keira Princess And The Boss Becomes The Cast’s Favorite Character? Who Else, huh?

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First, according to Mila Jamila, she really likes Keira’s character series Princess And The Boss. “Keira! Because he’s funny, very noisy, can’t be quiet, “he answered.

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Claudy Putri also makes Keira her favorite character. “Certainly Kira, yes. I think he’s really cool. On the one hand, he was spoiled by his parents. However, he is also strong and can have leadership with his friends. Can lead his friends,” he said.

But, not only Keira is the prima donna! Other characters such as Papa Keira, Ben, and Naraka also become favorite character of the cast.

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“So, my favorite character is Keira’s Papa. So, Keira’s father really liked working on Keira because Keira was spoiled. And in my opinion, an exciting Papa should be like that,” said Sonia Alyssa while laughing.

Also read: Princess And The Boss Player’s Favorite Scene Makes You Laugh!

Like Syifa Hadju who plays Keira, she also likes her father’s character in the Princess And The Boss series.

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“Almost all I like, yes. But maybe the one I like the most is Ben. Because, Ben is kind and compassionate. Loves his family and sister very much. The person is sincere, so it looks like Ben,” said Maudy Effrosina.

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Well, this is Ben, Vladimir Rama. But, in fact, Vladimir Rama admitted that he liked the character of Naraka, because he was happy to see the scene of Naraka getting angry all the time!

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Unlike the others, Rizky Nazar said that his favorite character is his mother. “Don’t talk much, but every time you say it is firm, mysterious. He knows a lot but just keep quiet. It’s like playing it cool, that’s it,” he said.

Also read: Writer Princess And The Boss: From Writing Hobby to Famous

Watch Princess And The Boss on MAXStream Now!

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Princess And The Boss how many episodes? Keep waiting, yes, the episodes are every Thursday. So, you can watch MAXStream Princess And The Boss episode 1 onwards on the MAXStream streaming platform now!

See also the intimacy of Rizky Nazar and Syifa Hadju only in the Princess And The Boss series!


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