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Princess And The Boss Player’s Favorite Scene Makes You Laugh!

Princess And The Boss players mentioned their favorite scene during filming!

The cast of Princess And The Boss will share their favorite scenes during filming series Princess And The Boss, here, guys. What are you curious about? Come on, read until the end!

Also read: Cast Princess And The Boss: What You Like About Your Character!

Princess And The Boss Players Sharing Their Favorite Scenes!

“Mention your favorite scene without spoilers!”

In this MD’s inside session, the cast of Princess And The Boss will share their favorite scenes so far filming the series Princess And The Boss. This is their answer!

Claudy Putri said that her favorite scene was the threesome with Syifa Hadju and Kiara McKenna.

“My favorite scene is when the three of us are doing scenes that we think need something from the heart. Me, Cipa, and Kiara, the three of us, it’s like we’re doing this scene, but it’s like, the feel, that’s it, you know,” he said.

Sonia Alyssa also said the same thing, which is her favorite scene when the three of them are with beautiful gangs like Jovanka and Pricilla.

Syifa Hadju also has a favorite scene, namely when she is chatting with her father. “That’s a fun scene that I did too. When filming is very fun, and when watching it is also fun, “he said.

For Rizky Nazar, the answer is different from Syifa Hadju. “Angry one, really. The activity is only in the background, right? Even though it was just shouting, but I felt relieved too, right,” he said.

Also read: Rizky Nazar and Syifa Hadju Gemes in Princess And The Boss!

Vladimir Rama admitted that this was the first time he had played in a series. “This is my first series and in this series I have to be given a challenge where I have to cry. That’s really fun. Anyway, you have to watch it!”

Likewise with Maudy Effrosina, “There was a moment where you could see how Felicia had changed, really, how she was originally. Is it that strong or not,” he said.

Also read: Rebelsuns Save Your Breath Becomes Opening Credit Series Princess And The Boss!

Finally, there is Mila Jamila who said that her favorite scene is when one scene with Syifa Hadju. he says, cute!

Watch Princess And The Boss Now!

Has Princess And The Boss aired yet? Done! Princess And The Boss episode 1 premieres on May 4, 2023 on MAXStream, guys.

Also read: Princess And The Boss soundtrack: ‘In Jagamu’, Kaneishia Yusuf and Hanif Andarevi

Then, how many episodes of Princess And The Boss? Only you can find out. Look forward to the new episodes every Thursday, okay?

Come on, those who are curious about the storyline and the exciting acting of the players, go watch MAXStream Princess And The Boss now!


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